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    FastRNA™ Pro Soil - Direct Kit 50 preps

    Brand: MP Bio

    The FastRNA™ Pro Soil-Direct Kit is designed to efficiently isolate total RNA from organic material found in soil samples.

    Components: RNApro™ Soil Lysis Solution 55 mL||Phenol:Chloroform (1:1) 50 mL||Inhibitor Removal Solution 12 mL||RNAMATRIX® Slurry 0.6 mL||RNAMATRIX® Binding Solution 35 mL||RNAMATRIX® Wash Solution Concentrate 15 mL||DEPC-Treated H2O 30 mL||Lysing Matrix E 50 x 2 mL tubes||Quick-Clean Spin Filters

    SKU: 116070050

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    Restricted Use: Unless specified otherwise, MP Biomedical's products are for research or further manufacturing use only, not for direct human use.