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    FastRNA™ Pro Soil - Indirect Kit 50 preps

    Brand: MP Bio

    The FastRNA™ Pro Soil-Indirect Kit is designed to efficiently isolate total RNA from organic material found in soil supernatants. Cellular material is washed away from soil particles, centrifuged, and homogenized by any FastPrep® Instrument in impact-resistant 2 mL tubes of Lysing Matrix E. Total RNA is released into a protective solution, extracted, precipitated, and cleaned with the proprietary RNAMATRIX™ and a Quick-Clean Spin Filter. Total RNA prepared with this kit is suitable for RT-PCR analysis and other downstream applications.

    Components: RNApro™ Solution, Lysing Matrix E, Inhibitor Removal Solution, DEPC-treated H2O, RNAMATRIX® Binding Solution, RNAMATRIX® Slurry, RNAMATRIX® Wash Solution, Quick-Clean Spin Filters

    SKU: 116075050

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    Restricted Use: Unless specified otherwise, MP Biomedical's products are for research or further manufacturing use only, not for direct human use.