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    FastRNA™ Pro Soil - Indirect Kit 50 preps

    The FastRNA™ Pro Soil-Indirect Kit is designed to efficiently isolate total RNA from organic material found in soil supernatants. Cellular material is washed away from soil particles, centrifuged, and homogenized by any FastPrep® Instrument in impact-resistant 2 mL tubes of Lysing Matrix E. Total RNA is released into a protective solution, extracted, precipitated, and cleaned with the proprietary RNAMATRIX™ and a Quick-Clean Spin Filter. Total RNA prepared with this kit is suitable for RT-PCR analysis and other downstream applications.

    Components: RNApro™ Solution, Lysing Matrix E, Inhibitor Removal Solution, DEPC-treated H2O, RNAMATRIX® Binding Solution, RNAMATRIX® Slurry, RNAMATRIX® Wash Solution, Quick-Clean Spin Filters


    FastRNA™ SPIN Kit for Microbes 50 preps

    The FastRNA™ SPIN Kit for Microbes quickly and efficiently isolates high-quality, total RNA from tough-to-lyse bacterial cell cultures and other microbial sources in approximately 15 minutes using a zirconium silicate Lysing Matrix (0.1mm) to lyse bacteria and SPIN columns for the purification process.

    Components: Lysing Matrix B (0.1mm zirconium silicate) 50 x 2-mL tubes, FastRNA Lysis Buffer 50 mL, FastRNA Prep Buffer 25 mL, FastRNA Wash Buffer 12 mL, Water (DNase/RNase-Free) 1 mL, FastRNA Spin Column 1 50 each, FastRNA Spin Column 2 50 each, Collection Tubes 2mL 100 each.


    FastRNA™ SPIN Kit for Yeast 50 preps

    The FastRNA™ SPIN Kit for Yeast quickly and efficiently isolates high-quality, total RNA from tough-to-lyse yeast strains, fungi, and algae in approximately 15 minutes using a specialized Lysing Matrix (Yttria-stabilized zirconium oxide, 0.5mm) for cell lysis and SPIN columns for the purification process.

    Components: Lysing Matrix Y (0.5mm Yttria-stabilized ZrO2) 50 x 2-mL tubes, FastRNA Lysis Buffer 50 mL, FastRNA Prep Buffer 25 mL, FastRNA Wash Buffer 12 mL, Water (DNase/RNase-Free) 1 mL, FastRNA Spin Column 1 50 each, FastRNA Spin Column 2 50 each, Collection Tubes 2mL 100.


    FastRNA™ Win for Plant Kit 50 preps

    The FastRNA Win Kit for Plant is designed to isolate and purify high quality total RNA from plant cells and tissues for better RT-PCR results. The use of the FastPrep® instrument combined with unique lysis buffers guarantees an efficient lysis of the starting material and a simultaneous inactivation of endogenous RNases. Genomic DNA is separated from the total RNA by binding to specially optimized mineral carrier particles included in the lysis buffer. The RNA is then mixed with ethanol and transferred to the RNA binding membrane. Total RNA then binds, contaminants are washed away and the pure RNA is eluted. No phenol or chloroform is required. Includes protocol for simultaneous isolation of proteins.


    Fasudil HCl, NeuroPure™ 25 mg


    Fasudil HCl, NeuroPure™ 50 mg


    FAT BROWN RR 25 g


    FAT RED 7B 200 g

    FAPDE 100

    Favorgen Plasmid DNA mini kit


    Fehlings Solution No 1, 2.5LT